Saturday, March 20, 2010

Generosity made me do it

So I have not lived up to my promise, blogging everyday as I vowed. I felt like this blog was becoming more of a chore. But as of last night I decided to change that after what I saw.

Here I am at Meatballz (love that restaurant) waiting in line behind two kids. Marly and I were trying to figure out what to order when this gentleman, probably in his 60's steps in front of me and says to these kids "how much do you need"? So then I started taking notice. These two kids were going to share a very small meal. Now these kids didn't look like the "best kids" you know the type, hair long, ear piercings, hats on sideways. In my book looked like a couple of kids that would be out causing trouble in some neighborhood. So here is this man that pays for them both to get the meal they wanted on the menu. As I sat their and thought, why didn't I do that, and would I have done that? I mean that is what I am all about right? Isn't that what this blog is all about? It really made me think. I didn't put myself down to much because I honestly didn't notice that they were not able to pay for their meals, after all I was trying to figure out what I was ordering. But would I have done it? Honestly, and this is tough, then answer would have been no. Not because I didn't have the money, but because I would have judged these kids for being little "punks" stirring up trouble in a neighborhood. As I sat waiting for my food it made me realize that I am not all about helping "everyone" and I judged when I shouldn't have. Just because they looked the way they did, they still need to eat. I actually got a bit emotional as I realized what I had done.
After the kids got their meal, the restaurant employee went over and gave the gentleman and his wife a dessert. See it snowballed. He helped someone which in turn made someone else do something for him.

So I am going to start blogging more, but it's not going to be about what I am doing. I mean come on I can't be the only one in this world helping someone out. People are out there doing it and it needs to be noticed. So I am going to go get some business cards made and when I see a random act of kindness I am going to hand them a card and blog about it. I am going to try and get the word out, and then maybe the snowball will take place. Everyone likes to be talked about, well if it is good and then maybe just maybe this live to help each other will make a difference.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Turn That Frustration Around

So I haven't blogged in a couple days, because to be honest I started thinking this whole thing was a waste of time. Then last night happened.

I went to Hobby Lobby my new favorite store because I had 6 40% off coupons that expired yesterday. I got there 30 minutes 20 minutes before the store closed, but that didn't matter I knew what I wanted special ink pens that 9.99 for 1. I get to the rack where they are supposed to be and they had none. I was so mad because they are hard to find, and had I known they didn't have them I would have made the trek out to another Hobby Lobby about 20 miles away. But who's fault was that? I soon realized this was my fault. I should have went earlier in the day then I would have had time to go to the other store. In fact had I went before my family went to the White Tanks to go hiking I could have went to the other store that then wouldn;t have been so out of the way. So instead when I realized there was nothing that I really needed, I started to leave the store when I saw people standing in line. I quikly was able to turn around my frustration when I handed out all of my coupons to the people standing in line.

So I will continue to blog about the things that my family is doing to help people out, and I have now opened it up for others to blog about their stories. So please do so.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Was I sent by an Angel?

So I had to run to the grocery store today, so I got out of my four walls. It seems though that the grocery store are my other four walls. Oh well I wouldn't change it, I love staying home with my kids.

As I drove up and parked my car at the store the rain was just coming down. I sat and waited for a minute and then I noticed an elderly man standing just outside the door of the store. He looked as if he too were waiting for a break in the storm. I thought here is my chance. I got out of my car and he had decided to go too. I met him in the parking lot and asked him if I could help. He asked "are you and angel"? I replied no that I just wanted to help out. He then proceeded to tell me that this was the first day that he had gotten out of the house since his wife's death. He said he stood there before going to the car because they had always went to the store together. He said when it would rain she would make him wait because she liked to watch it. You could see the tears in his eyes as he retold the story. He again thanked me and hugged me.

Needless to say I looked like a wet dog by the time I got into the store, but helping him was way worth losing the hairdo. Sometimes I do think that we are put in places for a reason. Today I do think I was his Angel.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Grant Goes Green

Well this is new. Is it a RAK? Well if your the earth you probably appreciate it very much.

Again I didn't leave the house. :( I think I need to get a life. So I asked my kids did you do any RAK today. Grant said that everyday when he walks from class to class or as he is riding his bike home, if he sees obvious trash he picks it up. I guess I appreciate that too, because I really don't like seeing a bunch of trash. So way to go Grant!

Tomorrow is a new day, hopefully I can get out of these four walls and help someone out. Although, the much needed rain is coming so I guess I will just tell Jade to step it up she is behind at this point.

The shirt off her back

I missed posting this yesterday because life got in the way.

I have told my kids about this blog and have told them that I need their help. You see a lot of days I don't leave my house, which could make it very difficult to help anyone but my kids. So I have told my kids that they could help me with this endeavor. Well wouldn't you know it, the little one came through for me.

Yesterday at shcool, while changing out for PE there was another girl in Marly's class that had forgot to bring her PE clothes. You see if you wear the same shirt to PE that you wore during school you get in trouble. So this girl was a bit distressed according to Marly about getting trouble. So Marly told her why don't you wear the shirt I have on? So Marly changed into her PE clothes then gave the girl the shirt she was wearing at school that day. When PE was over the girl gave Marly the shirt back which Marly now had to put back on. Gross? Yes! I asked Marly if she thought that was gross too, she said yes but also said that she could deal with it for a couple of hours so that her classmate didn't get in trouble. You might be saying that this must be a good friend of hers? Not the case at all. Marly comes home a lot with stories about how this girl drives her crazy, so I was surprised that she helped her out. I am also very proud of her, because to me that is what is going to make this world a better place. Helping people out just because it is the right thing to do.

So I didn't completly not do anything yesterday. I was involved last night with making games and quilts for orphanages. Great thing to do too, but Marly stole the show yesterday.

Monday, January 18, 2010

First Act

So my goal is to blog everyday about a random act of kindness. My hope is that the "acts" will catch on and others will catch the "rak bug".

Today I was at the grocery store buying some things but one item in particular was milk. Milk is on sale at Albertson's for $1.58 so that was my main reason for going. When I got in line there was an older women in front of me that looked at my cart. She started looking at all of her items and I could tell that she must have forgotten something. She said to me "the one thing I came for was milk and I forgot it until I saw it in your cart". We all know how that feels, it stinks! So I said to her "what kind did you want, do you want whole"? She replied "yes". So I told her I would be right back. I went and got the lady two gallons of milk and put them with the rest of her groceries. She was so happy and continued to thank me as she was leaving.

The feeling that you get from helping someone is great. I can't stress enough how important it is today in this crazy world that we live that we all reach out and help each other. Tell your kids to help others so they understand the importance and recieve the awesome feeling for the act.

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Welcome to the site that will hopefully make you smile. While I had several other names that I liked the url was taken so I chose Live to Help Each Other. After thinking about that name I truly feel that those other url names were taken for a reason. This name really describes what I want to accomplish, which is, to live everyday of my life helping someone. My hope is to also inspire others to do the same and I am sure laugh along the way.

Think about what this world would be like if everyday we woke up and at some point during the day we lended a hand or reached out to help someone?

Everyday I will post a story of reaching out to help someone. That is where you come into play. Please post your stories here and hopefully we will inspire others to "Live to Help Each other".